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 Kefir is a fermented milk drink, which improves the microflora in the gastrointestinal tract and clears toxins. But you can replace it by unsweetened lowfat yogurt, just make sure that it is live  and preferably cultured with  lactobacillus bulgaricus. There are several varieties of Kefir(yogurt) diet:
1-st DIET:
Divide 32-40 oz of yogurt in five or six and eat it at regular intervals.
The duration of this diet is 3 days.

2-nd DIET:
Divide 32-40 oz of unsweetened yogurt in five or six and eat it at regular intervals, adding 1-2 lb of sweet fruits and vegetables.
The duration of this diet is 5-6 days.

3-rd OPTION:
Day 1 - five boiled potatoes and 40 oz of kefir (yogurt).
Day 2 – 3 oz of boiled chicken and 40 oz of kefir (yogurt).
Day 3 – 3 oz of boiled meat plus 40 oz of kefir (yogurt).
Day 4 – 3 oz of boiled fish and 40 oz of kefir (yogurt).
Day 5 - fruits and vegetables other than bananas and grapes, plus 40 oz of kefir (yogurt).
Day 6 - only kefir.
Day 7 - mineral water.
The diet can be repeated no earlier than in a month.
All dishes are prepared and consumed without sugar and salt.


Another Simple Weight Loss For Idiots is  British diet   

If you are willing to endure twenty days to the twenty-first wake up slim, like a gazelle, try the food system, developed by British nutritionists. You must understand: the British diet is only for true lady!

First two days of the British diet called the hungry: a liter of milk, a glass of tomato juice, two slices of black bread.


Breakfast: a cup of coffee or milk, a slice of black bread, 1 / 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 1 / 2 tbsp. spoon of honey.
Lunch: a plate of beef broth, a piece of boiled meat or fish, two spoons of peas, a slice of black bread.
Snack: a cup of tea or milk, 1 / 2 tbsp. spoon of honey.
Dinner: a piece of boiled meat (or two eggs), 50 g cheese or lean ham, a piece of black bread, a cup of yogurt.


Breakfast: two apples or two oranges.
Lunch: vegetable soup without butter, a slice of black bread, salad, salad or vegetable stew seasoned with vegetable oil.
Snack: two apples or two oranges.
Dinner: vegetable salad with a piece of black bread, a cup of tea, 1 / 2 tbsp. spoon of honey.

RULES FOR british diet

Hungry days are not repeated, two protein and two vegetables days  alternate up to 20 days.

Supper is no later than at 7 p.m.

Take a multivitamin tablet everyday.

Weight loss of the British diet - up to 18 kg.

Types Of Food That Help To Maintain Our Health And Beauty

It's not a secret that healthy food is an indispensable component of our beauty. But many ladies in pursuit of a slender body often deprive themselves of necessary nutrients and vitamins choosing hard, in terms of beauty, "one-sided" diet. And it will certainly sooner or later affect their appearance.

So today we will tell you about the types of food that must be included in your diet if you want to not just lose weight, but also preserve and enhance your beauty.

1. Fish. Almost everyone knows about the unique qualities of fish oil, which is usually recommended to improve brain activity. But our skin also needs fish oils, particularly in cases when it is prone to dryness, and all sorts of irritations. Nutritionists advise paying close attention to the trout, mackerel, salmon and sardines, as these types of fish are rich in beneficial fats, which are quickly absorbed by the body and not "poured" into the extra pounds.
2. Seafood. It is rich in minerals, which are present in seawater, and it is impossible to maintain the beauty of our hair and nails without these trace elements. So if you your nails chip and hair becomes dull and brittle, make sure that your diet has seafood in it.
3. Natural live yogurt. It is a source of lactic acid bacteria required for normal functioning of the digestive tract, as well as for the beauty of our skin. Therefore, a cup of natural yogurt should be an essential part of your breakfast.
4.  Nuts and seeds have a high content of vitamins A and E, which are known to be antioxidants. These vitamins strengthen the skin's protective barrier and prevent the formation of free radicals that accelerate the aging of cells. Nutritionists recommend adding a small amount of pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds, almonds and walnuts, to your meals.
5. Hard cheeses are an invaluable source of calcium, which is essential for growth and strength of our bones and teeth. Almost all dairy products are rich in calcium, so be sure to include them in your diet.

6. Orange vegetables and fruits are rich in beta-carotene, which gives them an intense color. Beta-carotene has anti-inflammatory properties, and together with vitamin C improves skin color. Therefore, regularly eat fresh carrots, mangoes, etc.

Fast Diets

 Pretty often we find ourselves  in a situation when we need to look awesome in a few days (for a beach party or an official meeting), but a dress (or a swimsuit) don’t fit. So we stand up on the scales ... Hmm ... And realize that we need to lose weight...URGENTLY!!!
But is it possible to lose weight so quickly???
Anything is possible!!! I tell you about simple ways that will help you to lose weight in three or four days. Remember! You need to consult your physician before starting any diet!
But here is a catch! When you are loosing your weight very quickly, most often you will reduce fat on the less wanted areas of the body. For example, we want thinner thighs, but instead "blown away" chest. This happens because it is much more easier to burn fat where it (the fat) has the lowest density. Thus, when you have a sudden weight drop, you will first get rid of fat from your face, then chest, then buttocks, and the last will come thighs and stomach.
Rapid weight loss diets:
Diet  is the most important term of a rapid weight loss. You can, of course, just stop eating. But it is not the best solution. Yes, you can loose from 7 to 15  pounds in 4 days of not eating anything (depending on physical activity during that time). But believe me, a starving person isn’t very active. He just wants to lie down and sleep. Besides, hunger requires a gradual completion, and you do not have time for it. Therefore, we will not starve. Instead, I suggest you use one of the fast diets.
Diet #1:
For three days, you eat only boiled chicken. Moreover, a portion of chicken is quite small, only 600 grams per day. Divide it into three pieces and eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can drink only water.
Diet #2.
The second fast diet is designed for three to four days. For breakfast you can have an egg and a cup of tea without sugar. At noon you can eat 150 grams of fat-free farmer cheese and a cup of fat-free yogurt or vegetable juice (carrot, cucumber, squash or pumpkin juice). At lunch you can eat 150 grams of boiled fish or meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey). Fish - hake, sole and other fish low fat. In addition, you can eat some salad without salt, seasoned with lemon juice. It is possible that on the third day of this fast diet you wouldn’t want to eat any fish or meat. Then you can replace it with 150 grams cherry or strawberry. Dinner is replaced by a cup of herbal tea.
Diet #3
It is scheduled for 4 days. You can eat only cooked rice (without salt and sugar), and drink only  tomato juice. Unseasoned boiled rice isn’t very yummy. So even if you want, you cannot eat too much. On the last day of this diet you are supposed to drink a bottle of wine throughout the day. Nice ending, right?
Diet #4
Fourth fast diet is suitable for those with a strong and healthy stomach. Breakfast: a glass of water with 5 drops of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink this "nectar"  quickly, and in 10-15 minutes you can drink unsweetened coffee or tea. Lunch: boiled meat and vegetables (total 1 lb), no salt or sugar.  Agree, this is quite a lot. What about the dinner? Oh, it’s gonna be a fabulous dish!  Take 16 oz of cabbage and cook for 20 minutes in a small quantity of water (water should be enough to slightly cover the cabbage). When cabbage is cooked, merge the broth and drink ... Do not eat the cabbage. If at night you are unbearably hungry, you can drink a glass of nonfat yogurt. This diet is difficult, but the result is impressive: you can lose 11 lb in 4 days!
But for successful weight loss dieting is not enough. In order to burn fat, you  need to work out. Try to perform some simple exercises: circular movements with his hands, leaning forward and sideways, lifting the legs in the supine position. To burn fat, where necessary, you need to massage these body parts. In other words, if you want thinner thighs, massage them from the bottom up with a stiff brush or just your hands.  Intense workout  together with a diet will give a good effect, but ... The body is deprived of the usual amount of food during the diet. And this makes you lethargic and apathetic. You need a fairly strong will to make yourself do some exercise while dieting. But if your muscles are not working, then you’ll be loosing them, not fat.
So, if you decided to diet, be sure to be physically active! Good Luck!

Weight Loss Diet 4 kg in 4 days

DURATION: 4-8 days
Kilograms PIED: 4 kg in 4 days
COUNTER: It is forbidden for people with liver and kidney problems
• 1 day: vegetables (you can eat as many vegetables)
• 2 day: yogurt (you can eat as many vegetables you want)
 3 days: meat (you can eat as many vegetables)
 4 days: fruit (you can eat as many vegetables you want)
 You can follow this procedure quite easy and almost anywhere you go.
 There is hunger, fruits (bananas, pears ...) are filling.
 No costly.
 Bring very few calories the body;
• Provides important nutritional deficiencies (vitamins, proteins, etc.).
 This procedure can cause undernutrition if followed for a longer period thanprescribed.

Acai Berry Weight Loss Diet - supplement dedicated people who want to lose weight quickly and effectively

Acai Berry Fruit miracle that occurred in 2009 and 2010 general hysteria in America are finally available in Romania! On the Romanian market have appeared on many supplements Acai Berry. Two of the most popular supplements containing the acai fruit is acai Acai Berry Diet and Forte.
Due to the large number of emails sent by our visitors, we decided to make a brief presentation about these two products, and Acai Berry Diet Acai Forte. We hope this article will be useful and to help you choose the best product for your needs
Forte Acai Information Forte Acai fruit has an average concentration of Acai in its composition. It is a supplement created to strengthen the immune system and provide more energy consumer.
Rich in antioxidants Strengthens the immune system and cardiovascular system. A box of Acai Forte comes a month. This supplement does not help you lose weight but gives you more energy. The price of a box Forte Acai is 130 lei. Regardless of the order Acai Forte offers no discount.
Acai Berry Diet Information Acai Berry Diet is a supplement dedicated to those who want to lose weight quickly and effectively and strengthen their body at the same time.
It has a high concentration of acai fruit component, for which gives very good results.
The quality of this supplement is garanatata, being an original in America.
Remove fat from ogranism Lose between 5 and 10 kg per month Relevant Reduce Cellulite Strengthens Immune System Improves Blood Circulation Increase Energy and Strength Gives a glow to the skin and remove toxins

Get ready to lose weight

Keeping a diet is not easy. In contrast is a shock to a body was used to always get everything he had desire and Not only so, has also received generous amounts. When quitting to certain foods the body will automatically ask you which foods already used chocolate, fast food etc.. I know when I finally let myself The Mc Donald's (after several weeks of menus) and I needed prajeala The salt was a very strong impression and must meet other less harmful foods. What is important before one of begin a draconian diet is to gradually get used to your body what will follow.
Start by entering in your menu more fruits and vegetables. Gradually will automatically give stiksuri, chips in their favor. Thus when you start a diet and you will be asked to complete reununti sweets snacks you will not find the need to give directly to a bag per day but only some chips / day.
You have to be careful with what you fill the refrigerator. Because ultimately when you get hungry a raid in the kitchen. It is best that then all you find to be fruit, cereals (the healthiest rontaieli, "Raw" without milk), yogurt or other foods low in calories.
Stay away from sausage, often contain lard. And try to gradually completely eliminate pork and only eat chicken and fish. Try count each time you eat fried foods to decrease gradually number. Give a week from 5 to 3, 1, to no one. Meat grilled is healthier, they also diversified taste Be innovative with spices you use.
A diet will require much water to drink. I intlanit people just drink a glass of water a day and can not say more. It is impose important that you at least 2 liters a day during a course and will be more than that.
Put more salt in food. At first it is difficult but gradually you accustomed. Salt causes the body to retain water.
Impose a schedule of meals. Try to eat at fixed somewhat. Take a within plus or minus 2 hours and impose to respect the 3 tables daily. Dinner in any case after 19 hours.
Start playing sports. Meg down if not walk in the gym. If you go to the gym once and then again just over a month, then there is no point, because worst you'll suffer from muscle soreness.
However I think they are common sense rules that should apply every day if you want to impose a healthy lifestyle. So if you recently completed a diet must necessarily follow these tips diet to keep the results until completed. It also rules This provides a useful preparation for someone who will be ready to follow a diet.