Keeping a diet is not easy. In contrast is a shock to a body was used to always get everything he had desire and Not only so, has also received generous amounts. When quitting to certain foods the body will automatically ask you which foods already used chocolate, fast food etc.. I know when I finally let myself The Mc Donald's (after several weeks of menus) and I needed prajeala The salt was a very strong impression and must meet other less harmful foods. What is important before one of begin a draconian diet is to gradually get used to your body what will follow.
Start by entering in your menu more fruits and vegetables. Gradually will automatically give stiksuri, chips in their favor. Thus when you start a diet and you will be asked to complete reununti sweets snacks you will not find the need to give directly to a bag per day but only some chips / day.
You have to be careful with what you fill the refrigerator. Because ultimately when you get hungry a raid in the kitchen. It is best that then all you find to be fruit, cereals (the healthiest rontaieli, "Raw" without milk), yogurt or other foods low in calories.
Stay away from sausage, often contain lard. And try to gradually completely eliminate pork and only eat chicken and fish. Try count each time you eat fried foods to decrease gradually number. Give a week from 5 to 3, 1, to no one. Meat grilled is healthier, they also diversified taste Be innovative with spices you use.
A diet will require much water to drink. I intlanit people just drink a glass of water a day and can not say more. It is impose important that you at least 2 liters a day during a course and will be more than that.
Put more salt in food. At first it is difficult but gradually you accustomed. Salt causes the body to retain water.
Impose a schedule of meals. Try to eat at fixed somewhat. Take a within plus or minus 2 hours and impose to respect the 3 tables daily. Dinner in any case after 19 hours.
Start playing sports. Meg down if not walk in the gym. If you go to the gym once and then again just over a month, then there is no point, because worst you'll suffer from muscle soreness.
However I think they are common sense rules that should apply every day if you want to impose a healthy lifestyle. So if you recently completed a diet must necessarily follow these tips diet to keep the results until completed. It also rules This provides a useful preparation for someone who will be ready to follow a diet.
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