It's not a secret that healthy food is an indispensable component of our beauty. But many ladies in pursuit of a slender body often deprive themselves of necessary nutrients and vitamins choosing hard, in terms of beauty, "one-sided" diet. And it will certainly sooner or later affect their appearance.
So today we will tell you about the types of food that must be included in your diet if you want to not just lose weight, but also preserve and enhance your beauty.
1. Fish. Almost everyone knows about the unique qualities of fish oil, which is usually recommended to improve brain activity. But our skin also needs fish oils, particularly in cases when it is prone to dryness, and all sorts of irritations. Nutritionists advise paying close attention to the trout, mackerel, salmon and sardines, as these types of fish are rich in beneficial fats, which are quickly absorbed by the body and not "poured" into the extra pounds.
2. Seafood. It is rich in minerals, which are present in seawater, and it is impossible to maintain the beauty of our hair and nails without these trace elements. So if you your nails chip and hair becomes dull and brittle, make sure that your diet has seafood in it.
3. Natural live yogurt. It is a source of lactic acid bacteria required for normal functioning of the digestive tract, as well as for the beauty of our skin. Therefore, a cup of natural yogurt should be an essential part of your breakfast.
4. Nuts and seeds have a high content of vitamins A and E, which are known to be antioxidants. These vitamins strengthen the skin's protective barrier and prevent the formation of free radicals that accelerate the aging of cells. Nutritionists recommend adding a small amount of pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds, almonds and walnuts, to your meals.
5. Hard cheeses are an invaluable source of calcium, which is essential for growth and strength of our bones and teeth. Almost all dairy products are rich in calcium, so be sure to include them in your diet.
6. Orange vegetables and fruits are rich in beta-carotene, which gives them an intense color. Beta-carotene has anti-inflammatory properties, and together with vitamin C improves skin color. Therefore, regularly eat fresh carrots, mangoes, etc.
Types Of Food That Help To Maintain Our Health And Beauty
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